The Crazy Cat Lady’s…..Neighbors

I think at some point everyone has heard the stories of the lady that has many many oh so many cats running around. To the point that everywhere you look, there is not one but two cats. At some point during my DH growing up years, he truly lived next to one of these people. He can tell a few stories and the one that I have heard the most was about how their yard was not a yard but a litter box. I don’t know that he has ever recovered.

My husband while truly allergic, has a slight disliking of cats on property. To me it is almost humorous as I watch him run from the car stomping and making noise to shoo them off the property. Well last night topped the cake and I felt the need to share with blog land.

We had just turned off the bedside lamps and were laying down to hopefully peaceful slumbers, when we heard this LOUD MEOWWWCKKKK. Uh Oh….cat fight. Then we heard a whump followed by dut dut dut dut dut….This was our bulldog jumping off the couch and running to our big kitchen windows to see said fight on our front deck. Then he ran to front door and back to kitchen. Now was when it gets interesting. My husband instead of letting things run their course proceeds to hop out of bed and get dressed to go outside. I then hear the doors opening and he is running around on the deck trying to get the cats off our property. If that wasn’t good enough he comes back inside grabs our bulldog and goes back outside with him letting him walk around property and hopefully scare off any hiding cats.

After a few rounds outside he finally comes back in for the evening, completely serious about getting the cats off the property. I don’t know when I’m going to get over finding this little tidbit about my DH incredibly funny. It does irritate me that we have them in our yard just because it riles up our dogs, but that is about it. I have a feeling chili powder on the deck rails may be in our near future. If it can keep ferrel cats out of garbage then I’m sure it can keep neighbor cats off our front deck. 🙂

You have any amusing stories about a dear spouse little pet peeves? I’d love to hear them.

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