Daily Archives: April 20, 2011

Not as Culinary as I thought…

Have you ever noticed or experienced that as soon as you start to feel fabulous about something, you get knocked down a step or two to reality?? It is a heathy thing to not get on your high horse and we all need reminding at one time or another…it just always strikes me as amusing. This last weekend was a great example…


It was an incredibly busy day. We had lots of errands, got lots accomplished and then dinner time rolled around. That nights menu was homemade ravioli with a homemade pomodoro sauce. We were going completely from scratch on this one! The sauce was prepared and simmering away. Even successfully rolled out my sheets of pasta dough for the first time. Then I tried to use the ravioli maker. It didn’t go well and I wiped out all my dough and had to start over :(. The second time I just made spaghetti noodles which turned out amazing. (More on this process and equipment on Friday!) The 4 hours it took me in the kitchen was completely worth it when we enjoying the fresh pasta and sauce. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water….It was a great night thinking about how far I’ve coming cooking, how many new flavors and tastes I’ve tried. I felt quite proud of myself. And in truth I really have come a long ways in trying new things but not as far as I’d like to think as I was quickly reminded….


Sunday after church we were doing a few errands and then got on the computer to try to finish up some paperwork. We pulled up skype (which is amazing!) to see if any friends/family were on and had the opportunity to chat with my Dad who lives overseas for a while. Hubs and I are planning on visiting my Dad and family and were discussing different cultural foods and some of the things we might have to look forward to over there.

Sushi came up and well that one still hasn’t crossed my “want to try” list.

Then we discussed that I wanted to try black pasta. I thought it sounded great to try eating, but then the idea was brought up to gut my own squid to get the ink sack in order to make my own black pasta. That was twitch number 1! Then a delicious item of drunken shrimp came up. Basically alcohol, some seasonings, live shrimp. They get drunk and are a little twitchy on the way down. BIG twitch number 2! I thought about including the picture, but I got really grossed out when I searched them and just couldn’t do that to you!

I was quickly reminded that even though my tastes and culinary skills are continuing to grow there are numerous horizons I haven’t crossed and haven’t even looked towards. While I do want to do my best to continue to expand my knowledge and try new foods we will see how this travel adventure goes. Oddly in some senses I think my hubby is even more picky than I and this shall prove to an interesting trip when it comes to new foods. I plan on trying new things but I don’t know how brave/crazy I’ll get this round. We’ll see what happens and when the time for the trip comes, you can be sure that there will be plenty of pictures of the interesting foods 🙂

What has been your experience with different cultures foods? What is the oddest thing you have tried? Have you outgrown being a picky eater?

Happy Wednesday!