Tag Archives: travel

Local Spotlight – Olympia


Truth be told I wasn’t very excited about visiting Olympia.

One of the great views of the Capital Building while we were driving around in the rain.

It didn’t sound like a super fun place and since it was the states capital I was worried it would be more of a political city than fun. I was wrong and based on our quick weekend thought it could be some place awesome to live!

It truly seemed to have a little of everything. It had business districts and the shopping. And the shopping area was incredible. It had about every store that I would travel to go to in ONE city! Trader Joe’s,

One of my favourite unique stores! It was Hubby's first time, but I'm pretty sure that I got him hooked! Especially when we found our favourite coconut syrup! Yum!!

World Market, Ross, Bed Bath & Beyond, Barnes & Nobles and my list would just go on…all in one city guys, it was AMAZING. (Sometimes I really feel like I come from a small town when I say something like that, but nonetheless it is true!)

It was nice because we were able to find a car charger for our new phones at a local electronic store. Then headed over to Ross and finally got Hubby a new pair of khakis as he had managed to get a nice rip going in his current pair. A few extra expenses on the trip but we were able to get really good deals!

Then the options for food was unbelievable, it had the best of the chain restaurants and then the options for local cuisine and mom and pop shops was fabulous. I was talking to the Hubs and stated whenever we make our once or twice a year trip to OR we need to be stopping by Olympia to get some of their pastries and local fresh breads.

This place was sort of hidden and you would pass right by it if you didn't know what you were looking for, but we went there twice and both times were amazing. The pastries and fresh breads were incredible. Brought a loaf of Artisan bread home with us and get to eat it with spaghetti tonight. Mmmm!


It was a little Morning Glory Bar with Cream Cheese frosting and was amazing from the Bread Peddler. I seriously need to find a recipe for morning glories!

The city looked like it always had something going on. Even though the weather poured down from the sky on Sunday it was still a day for the capital city marathon. People were coming from everywhere getting ready for the days big event.

I grabbed a few pictures to share our little trip with my readers!

Rambling Jack's, this place had a much nicer atmosphere than the name suggests. It had a western theme and a decent variety of food options. The food and the service was incredible!

I really wanted to avoid the chain restaurants as much as possible and always enjoy looking for local places that have amazing food.  Since we were having to eat out for every meal that weekend we were trying to keep prices down, while still enjoying new foods.

Hubby came across positive reviews for Rambling Jack’s, at first I wasn’t so sure but I was so glad he talked me into it as the dinner was unbelievable!

This was one of the few restaurants I've found that served a buttermilk fried chicken NOT on the bone. It was served with mashed potatoes, gravy and fresh vegetables. The flavor was incredible. People who know me know how picky I am about meat having to be off the bone so this was a special treat! Oh soo good!!!!!

We also just enjoyed our few hours of not being committed to anything at home and watching a little bit of TV. Got quite a bit of reading done and had an overall amazing weekend get-away after Hubby finished his classes. I’m so glad he was able to make arrangements for me to go with him. It was much-needed break for me to get away from life! Thank the Lord for giving me a husband who “gets” me!!

Taking a little time to relax with the honey!

Not as Culinary as I thought…

Have you ever noticed or experienced that as soon as you start to feel fabulous about something, you get knocked down a step or two to reality?? It is a heathy thing to not get on your high horse and we all need reminding at one time or another…it just always strikes me as amusing. This last weekend was a great example…


It was an incredibly busy day. We had lots of errands, got lots accomplished and then dinner time rolled around. That nights menu was homemade ravioli with a homemade pomodoro sauce. We were going completely from scratch on this one! The sauce was prepared and simmering away. Even successfully rolled out my sheets of pasta dough for the first time. Then I tried to use the ravioli maker. It didn’t go well and I wiped out all my dough and had to start over :(. The second time I just made spaghetti noodles which turned out amazing. (More on this process and equipment on Friday!) The 4 hours it took me in the kitchen was completely worth it when we enjoying the fresh pasta and sauce. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water….It was a great night thinking about how far I’ve coming cooking, how many new flavors and tastes I’ve tried. I felt quite proud of myself. And in truth I really have come a long ways in trying new things but not as far as I’d like to think as I was quickly reminded….


Sunday after church we were doing a few errands and then got on the computer to try to finish up some paperwork. We pulled up skype (which is amazing!) to see if any friends/family were on and had the opportunity to chat with my Dad who lives overseas for a while. Hubs and I are planning on visiting my Dad and family and were discussing different cultural foods and some of the things we might have to look forward to over there.

Sushi came up and well that one still hasn’t crossed my “want to try” list.

Then we discussed that I wanted to try black pasta. I thought it sounded great to try eating, but then the idea was brought up to gut my own squid to get the ink sack in order to make my own black pasta. That was twitch number 1! Then a delicious item of drunken shrimp came up. Basically alcohol, some seasonings, live shrimp. They get drunk and are a little twitchy on the way down. BIG twitch number 2! I thought about including the picture, but I got really grossed out when I searched them and just couldn’t do that to you!

I was quickly reminded that even though my tastes and culinary skills are continuing to grow there are numerous horizons I haven’t crossed and haven’t even looked towards. While I do want to do my best to continue to expand my knowledge and try new foods we will see how this travel adventure goes. Oddly in some senses I think my hubby is even more picky than I and this shall prove to an interesting trip when it comes to new foods. I plan on trying new things but I don’t know how brave/crazy I’ll get this round. We’ll see what happens and when the time for the trip comes, you can be sure that there will be plenty of pictures of the interesting foods 🙂

What has been your experience with different cultures foods? What is the oddest thing you have tried? Have you outgrown being a picky eater?

Happy Wednesday!

The Camera I Love to Hate

Last year Hubs and I went on a vacation to Hawaii. Did good for our budget planning and went with some extra cash in hand. One of the purchases that was slightly unexpected but incredibly worth it was for our Fugifilm XP camera that is water/shock/dust/freeze proof. It took amazing pictures for our snorkeling and adventure on Kauai.

Aren't we adorable??

Then lately when I have been trying to take pictures of all projects indoors for the blog, hoping to inspire people to organize or cook I get what looks like a water spot on the picture. The lens has been cleaned and camera still functions properly, yet the picture looks dirty.

Do you see the spot at the top shelf on the left side??

And then we have today that was crisp and gorgeous outside where our Lughead Levi just wanted to spend the whole day lounging around in the sunshine. (Pretty sure we adopted what used to be an outdoor dog.) So I grabbed the camera and thought I’d try to snap a few of my favorite little boy. No kids yet = lots of pictures of pets. 🙂 And it came out crystal clear. I think I just figured out that my camera doesn’t like the indoors and has decided to show its true personality…Anyways here is my little boy…isn’t he cute???

Lounging in fresh cut grass and sunshine!

 At least the camera overall works quite well, but if you ever see a “water spot” in the photo….well now you know!

Do you have fun photographing your pets? Or do you have technology that has “personality issues”???

Happy Tuesday!

A Bucket List

No matter where we are in being a housewife whether it is a working housewife, s-a-h housewife, with kids, no kids; we always have dreams of something we want to see or go do. Maybe the season we are in won’t allow the travel, but it will allow learning how to crochet, make crafts, cook from scratch.  It can be fun to write out a list and think of anything and everything that we have ever wanted to see or do or just try to say we did.

I have multiple lists written at different times in my old scrapbooks and it is fun looking back and seeing what has happened. Somethings just look ridiculous now and I cross them off my list without being done! There are others that I excitedly cross off and will forever hold it in my heart as a Cloud 9 experience. Then there are the few that I just smile at saying it would be nice, but doubt that it will actually happen.

I have started a bucket list here on the blog that will be updated as I cross things off or find new things to add. As a reminder to have a goal, something to work towards. Somethings might not be possible now, but it doesn’t mean it won’t be in the next season of life.

Sample Bucket List (Full list here)

  • Visit the Colosseum and well most of Italy
  • Go bike riding around Amsterdam
  • Vacation in a hut over water on a tropical island
  • Go to Sandals resort
  • See play on broadway
  • Visit New York
  • See show in Globe Theater in London
  • Remodel kitchen
  • Go snowmobiling
  • Walk on Great Wall
  • Take Hubby to visit China, Scotland and England with me (I’ve seen them before but prior to meeting.)
  • Tour Ireland
  • Swim with a dolphin
  • Go back to Hawaii…many times over (will never be able to be crossed off)
  • Go back to La Vita Bella…the restaurant from our first date in Seattle
  • Visit tallest bar/restaurant in the world (located in Shanghai)
  • Have you written a bucket list? Have you ever had a Cloud 9 moment of crossing something off your bucket list? What was it?

    Do You have a Passport?

    I recently found this article titled “Why more Americans don’t travel abroad.” In the opening of the article it states how only 30 % of Americans have passports. One of the lines of logic that America has everything from beaches to snowy mountains and about everything in between, with pockets of  different cultures along the way. Also goes into how Americans work too hard, with limited time to go an explore. Plus there is always the financial bit in there as well. (I think we could learn something from the Europeans time off plans!)


    I agree that compared to other countries vacation/play time is not a priority. And I agree that for many Americans international travel might not be a financial possibility. However, to even have the thought that for one minute that you can experience everything by staying inside the 50 states is just…well…in my opinion plain ignorant.

    It’s All About the Planning

    With planning, saving and looking for great deals international travel isn’t so difficult to put together. And the experience is incredibly rewarding. I have been blessed to have started visiting other countries and the list of places I want to go to is much longer. So far I have been able to visit China, Scotland, England and Jamaica.  Hubby and I are looking forward to planning our next few travels to go back and visit family in China and then hopefully take a trip to Amsterdam for a bike riding tour with some friends. (Guess I should start practicing now for mileage, it will give me a couple of years to get ready!)

    Visiting other countries is an experience that is hard to put into words. The sights, smells, sounds, just the feel of being in a completely different culture is incredible. Soaking in everything around you and learning other customs is amazing. And as a side note traveling as an American doesn’t make you entitled, please respect the cultures you are going into! (Witnessed the stupidity of fellow travelers on school trip to Europe, embarrassing!)

    So while I’m not trying to convince everyone to go board a plane and travel to exotic lands. If you don’t have your passport consider why you haven’t gotten it. Think about checking out the rest of the world, it will be an experience you will never forget.

    Do you have your passport? If you don’t, why not? What would be the first country you want to travel to and why?

    Photo Op

    When I figured out how to change the header I realized it was a must. This picture is exactly what I mean when talking about going out and living life. Go on the walk, travel new places…even kiss under a waterfall!

    Life is to short to not go for it with everything you’ve got!
    Love this quote “Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways,
    chocolate in one hand, champagne in the other, body
    thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming
    “WOO HOO what a ride!”

    And if I can add to that to serve God with every chance we get until sliding into the grave!

    Thoughts for your night….