Tag Archives: random

Updates from Insanity

The last few weeks have been lagging a bit here in blogland. My stress level have been on the rise in the month of June as everything pulled together and lined up for the most insane 3+ weeks of July EVER!

Namely 2 sets of relatives and one set of family friends are all coming to town in the same three weeks and most of which is overlapping! AAAAHHHHH! Clean, Prepare, Menu, Organize, Scream….and then BAKE (my sanity). This all starts after the next weekend of a big community garage sale, couples dinner and Costco run for the first 4th of July BBQ! I don’t think any friends or family should expect to see us at all the last week of July!!

So in between everything I will still try to be posting, but it will most likely only be 2 or 3 times a week and then pick back up again in August. In the mean time I have a family fun summer activities coming this Thursday. Great strides in fitness report from friday. (Tylenol is next step after finishing this post!) And to top it off I’ve learned the art of giving most of my baking away. Allowing me to sample and try new recipes and then give it away and I’m trying to strictly follow calorie guidelines. This weeks sampling is going to be Peanut Butter Truffle balls. Idea found HERE at Tidy Mom. Her blog has lots of great ideas and kitchen ideas that make me drool…I can’t wait to try these!!!

Peanut Butter Brownie Bites

So there is a little bit of an update of the craziness that is this housewife. Now just to pray for the sanity and peace in getting everything pulled together!!!!

How did your summer plans pull together? Anything crazy or super fun?? I’d love to hear about it!

Random Thoughts for Thursday

Ahh it is Thursday again and I have to admit I love these little random posts. It covers anything and everything and all the tidbits that go into every day life. This week has had some bit things happen.

  • First super excited to be picked for the project parade over at The Creative Crate blog. I linked up my homemade ice cream cake and it made the parade! YAY!!! You can see it right here!
  • I mentioned that we got new phones. I’m still learning how to use my little Comet but I love having a smart phone and found it so helpful I don’t know what took me so long to get one! Plus it can keep up for my Hubby’s fancy MyTouch4. 🙂 His screen is just bigger, oh well.
  • Discovered that any project is going to take twice as long as I thought in this house and am hoping that this weekend we can make progress organizing/decorating the office and finish the hallway. We’ll see how far we get.
  • Excited that this is day 4 of starting a workout plan with my friend. Different goals, but one purpose of growing a friendship and getting physically fit. Yeah baby!
  • And how about this for a random fact….Please tell me that someone else out there does this besides me, and no I don’t do this in public only at home. You get a delicious bowl of cookie dough ice cream or anything with delicious bites of chocolatey goodness and you want to save the “goodness” for last. Take a bite, suck off all the ice cream and proceed to spit the “goodness” back in the bowl to save for the end. Hubby laughs at me each and every time but it is so good to have a spoonful of all the yummy bites right at the end! Do you do that or anything similar????

So those are my random thoughts for Thursday….How is your week going??

A Bucket List

No matter where we are in being a housewife whether it is a working housewife, s-a-h housewife, with kids, no kids; we always have dreams of something we want to see or go do. Maybe the season we are in won’t allow the travel, but it will allow learning how to crochet, make crafts, cook from scratch.  It can be fun to write out a list and think of anything and everything that we have ever wanted to see or do or just try to say we did.

I have multiple lists written at different times in my old scrapbooks and it is fun looking back and seeing what has happened. Somethings just look ridiculous now and I cross them off my list without being done! There are others that I excitedly cross off and will forever hold it in my heart as a Cloud 9 experience. Then there are the few that I just smile at saying it would be nice, but doubt that it will actually happen.

I have started a bucket list here on the blog that will be updated as I cross things off or find new things to add. As a reminder to have a goal, something to work towards. Somethings might not be possible now, but it doesn’t mean it won’t be in the next season of life.

Sample Bucket List (Full list here)

  • Visit the Colosseum and well most of Italy
  • Go bike riding around Amsterdam
  • Vacation in a hut over water on a tropical island
  • Go to Sandals resort
  • See play on broadway
  • Visit New York
  • See show in Globe Theater in London
  • Remodel kitchen
  • Go snowmobiling
  • Walk on Great Wall
  • Take Hubby to visit China, Scotland and England with me (I’ve seen them before but prior to meeting.)
  • Tour Ireland
  • Swim with a dolphin
  • Go back to Hawaii…many times over (will never be able to be crossed off)
  • Go back to La Vita Bella…the restaurant from our first date in Seattle
  • Visit tallest bar/restaurant in the world (located in Shanghai)
  • Have you written a bucket list? Have you ever had a Cloud 9 moment of crossing something off your bucket list? What was it?

    Random Thought Thursday

    Have you ever thought about something, mentioned that could be really nice and then have it materialize? This last weekend that is exactly what happened!

    Oh Little Squares of Goodness

    I was enjoying the speed of Hubby’s new pc and doing random searches. One of those searches ended up on Kitchenaid’s website searching all the fun accessories for the Kitchenaid mixer. I think my jaw hit the floor in excitement and wonder watching the little ravioli maker attachment start rolling out these perfect little squares. Thoughts of all the pasta recipes I’ve found and ravioli recipes would all be a possibility with this one little attachment!

    The Problem…

    Attachments add up quickly for the mixer, and I wasn’t positive if it is something I would use regularly enough to justify the expense. A few hours later I show up at our monthly couples dinner and find out that some friends love all the attachments for the mixer and are willing to let me borrow them for a few weeks to try them out, including other attachments!

    I doubt if I thought about a million bucks it would materialize that fast, but I guess you never know 🙂

    Black Thumb

    Nicole rose bush.

    I mentioned a couples days ago that we were blessed with a couple of rose bushes. Now as the weekend draws closer I’m getting a little nervous as I have tendencies towards a black thumb. If you don’t know what that is let me briefly explain. A green thumb can make any plant grow and flourish. The opposite would assume that I can make any plant die…I have killed a cactus, yes that can happen. I know that Hubby is primarily in charge of all things out doors but I really want to at least help with these and don’t have a clue where to start. If you know any blogs for gardening or have a great tip for getting started please let me know!

    And those are my random thoughts for Thursday…let’s celebrate because Friday is tomorrow!